Rosetta Smith
My slogan. FOREVER FIT
My name is Rosetta Smith and I am a Certified Personal Trainer, Group Fitness Instructor and Nutrition Specialist. I am the Founder and Proud Owner of Z2Z Fitness and Apparel.
As an individual I was always athletic growing up by participating in cheerleading, swimming, hip-hop dance, soccer, and track and field. I enjoyed keeping myself physically active and found mental therapy in weightlifting. It became a great stress reliever when I first began right up until now.
I was the girl in high school that spent her spare weightlifting in the tiny gym of our local high school. I have very vivid memories as a child playing soccer every Sunday evening after our family dinner with my Father. Playing soccer was our little tradition that my Father created with me. I grew to love and looked forward to each and every weekend! My Father even had both myself and my siblings improve our start times by having track and field “starter blocks” in the basement. His passion for sports rubbed off on us at a very young age. Children truly do model what they see! Being Physically Active was also very important to me during my teenage years too.
As a Personal Trainer, I believe that mental health, nutrition and fitness, all play a large role in core health of an individual or my client/s. One of the most important things is to be able to help my client/s learn from proper health and nutrition . Help connect and motivate all woman and mothers who are dedicated to living a healthier and active lifestyle while raising our families. Our children look up to us. We are their biggest role models!
My weightlifting journey began in 2008. At the young age of 21 exactly three months after giving birth to my first child; After the loss of a family member that was near and dear to my heart, I promised myself that I would do “my part” to reduce the risks of family-related health issues. I began teaching Group Step, followed by Group Active and Zumba classes at local gyms and studios in my city.
Fast forward to my first all Natural Bodybuilding competition in 2015 with INBF CANADA. I fell in love with the sport immediately! As I trained for my very first fitness competition I was in recovery from a very toxic, abusive relationship with my child's father. Feeling embarrassed, scared and completely alone, the gym became the only place that I felt completely comfortable. I felt so comfortable that I could legitimately spend 2 - 3 hours just working out! Being in the gym and training hard allowed me to have complete control. My personal life at that time was far from being “in control”. (I say everyday) “the gym saved my life” during my darkest moments.
What motivates me and keeps me going is my daughter, Miss Lady J. We have had a difficult past that has impacted my life in so many ways. Both negative and positive. Although my life could have taken a very negative turn, I decided to dive into health and fitness. It is so important for me to be a strong role model for other women, most importantly, my daughter. To teach her that “YES Sometimes you get knocked down in life; but it is also very important to pick yourself back up and keep pushing forward towards your goals, no matter what hurdles you may face.” My determination is very strong because my daughter, Miss Lady J., is “My Why”! I do my best to teach her that you can accomplish anything that you are striving for with hard work and consistency.
I am very passionate about helping other women and mothers overcome their personal limitations - one repetition at a time!
There are so many reasons why people choose to exercise. Whether you want to improve your endurance training, lose weight, gain weight, build muscle, strength conditioning or competitive training, I can help you achieve your goals.
We all have a story? I would love to hear YOURS!
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